In C-Sue's own words...

My friends call me "C-Sue"....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Things that make me happy...

I think over the course of the past 1 1/2 years I have stopped doing a lot of things that make me happy. I have spent a LOT of my time doing things for other people, whether it was my boyfriend, a friend for their wedding, work etc....but I have realized lately that I have almost completely stopped doing things for myself.

Now this is not always a bad thing, to focus on others and not yourself, I find you get a lot more out of relationships when you are "other" focused. BUT, when things come to an end, and you no longer have that boyfriend, or job, or group of friends, what's left? Not too much in my case these days. I used to be super involved in a million things at once, and was busier than I cared to be. But I was thriving! And I long for that again.

In no way do I want the number of committments I have had at previous stages in my life, that was a little insane. But I've decided to start doing things for myself again, things that make me happy....Here is my list:

1)Join my tennis league again, it starts in March
2) Keep running 3-4x a week, to train for the 10K in April
3) See friends more for activities that don't involve JUST drinking, get to know them again. (I love having dinner and hanging out)
4) Spend more time with my parents, they live 3 hours away, no reason to only go home 3x a year
5) Travel the world (I've been good at this, need to keep it up)
6) Work towards my Project Management Certification
7)Finish my MBA (debateable if this is really for me)

So this is a start of things I want to do. And I'm sure many more awesome things will come my way if I am looking for them!


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