In C-Sue's own words...

My friends call me "C-Sue"....

Monday, February 06, 2006

Are Ipod's creating an anti-social environment?

So I have only owned an Ipod for maybe a month now? Maybe not that long.... but if you walk down the hall here at work, and glance in any random office, almost EVERYONE is listening to their Ipod's while they are working. As am I. But, in what is already an unsocial office setting, does these create bigger barriers between co-workers? Does it give the signal of "Leave me alone, I am so busy and need no extra distractions, hence the earphones in my ears blocking out all the noise"??

Or are Ipod's merely just something used to make the day go by more quickly while having all your favorite music at your fingertips?

hmmm...I'm not sure. At my last job they were forbidden while working, and I had a lot more social interaction with my co-workers. But maybe that is just a coincidence...who knows....

do I really care? not really....just an observation on this chilly monday morning!

(I write this as I sit here jamming out to Rolling Stones, whilst ignoring everyone who walks by my door :)


  • At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Nice Blog .If you fast forward through your playlist, Ipod batteries will need to fill its cache more frequently, thus accessing the hard drive more often and using more power. This will decrease overall battery life.


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