In C-Sue's own words...

My friends call me "C-Sue"....

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Going across the big pond again...

So you know you really like someone when you are willing to traverse the freaking ocean to go see them. And for short periods of time at that. I am making my 4th trip to Amsterdam in less than a year in a few short weeks. The fun part is that this time we are not staying in Amsterdam. We are going skiing in France! I've never been to France so I'm super excited. Plus the ski trip is free because its being sponsored by good ole Uncle Biogen, can't beat that!

So, one might picture a ski weekend in France as quite romantic and think of things like drinking wine by the fire, riding the ski lifts as the sun is setting and kissing like teenagers....ahhhh. WELL let me tell you, I have been skiing since I was 5 years old, and Matt has never skiied in his life. Picture the 6'6" tall man trying to make his way down the mountain on a pair of skis, or a snowboard as he is hell bent on trying (good luck with that). I think that just took ANY romance out of the situation. I'm having mental pictures of this giant man falling down, poles flying everywhere, one ski sliding down the hill, and kids from the lifts pointing and laughing :) And you know how sore and tired you can be after a day of skiing when you KNOW how to ski, I can imagine what it's like if you are learning :)

BUT it's going to be a great time I am sure. We always have fun together and I can't wait to take pictures of this experience for everyone to see. If we are still speaking at the end of it all...hahaha....But I'm sure there will be lots of wine drank, I hear those crazy dutchies like to dance into the wee hours of the morning, and hell, I'm gonna be in the mountains of freaking France! How awesome is that?? Plus, I get to spend 4 days with Matt, what's better than that??

PS- check out the webcam of where I'm going....


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