In C-Sue's own words...

My friends call me "C-Sue"....

Sunday, January 01, 2006

So it's 2006. Wow, where has the time gone? Am I really 26 years old? As the new year approaches one is often thinking of what lies ahead, and where am I going with my life?? 2005 was well, an interesting year to say the least. I had more BIG ups and downs than I've had in a long time. But in retrospect a lot was learned, and is being learned I guess.

I have a lot of new things going on and I am excited to see where this year leads me. I just started a new job, which is a biggie. I'm not sure if this is the job for me or not, but I am going to give it 100% and see what happens. I just came out of an absoultely miserable job situation and I am already MUCH happier in my life, even only being gone for about a month!

I've decided that I need to finish my MBA. Classes start next week, I'm going to sign up I think. Why not? Can having an MBA make things worse? I think not. Plus, having options ALWAYS makes life much more interesting.

And then I have this whole relationship thing going on with a certain someone. It's complicated, it makes me happy, it makes me sad. I hate being so far away from him, that is the worst part about the whole thing. I'm worried about the distance tearing us apart, but I don't think I can handle it again if things end. We are in this stage of not dating other people, and working on our relationship. I WANT to make it work, its the only thing I care about making work at this point in my life. But I'm scared of ruining things for myself by falling back into old habits because I'm scared. Why does fear drive me to act irrationally? This is absolutely frustrating! So, now that it's a new year, I am absolutely going to have to approach things differently or else the relationship will fail. But he will have to do this too. I think we can do it. No one else makes me as happy as he does; can make me laugh like he does; makes me feel so alive and like I'm a part of something. We've been lots of places together around the world, and have been through soo much already in the past year and a half since we met, I don't want to start over and there is no one else I'd rather experience new things with.

With that said, here's to the new me. In 2006: no more smoking, no more fast food (at least for a month), and a new approach to my complicated relationship!!


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