In C-Sue's own words...

My friends call me "C-Sue"....

Friday, January 13, 2006

My OTHER part time job...

So I have this running joke with myself that my part time job is going to/being in weddings. Well, after tomorrow that phase of my life is over for the forseeable future. THANK GOD. (No offense to my married friends, I've had a blast, but I need a break! )

Well, my OTHER part time job is sitting in airports/flying on airplanes. Now, many times I have a very fun time at my destinations, but I have felt like I've had NO life here in Raleigh for a long time. And my goal for 2006 is to get that social life back that I once had. I think I've done a pretty good job so far, but hey, its still early in the year.

And tonight, I will once again, go to RDU, get on a plane and fly away to go to ANOTHER wedding. I think the weekend will be fun sure, but I'm missing out on a lot here with my FRIENDS that I need to HAVE when I return. Tonight is Happy Hour in Chapel Hill with Cara and Chappy. Tomorrow the Redskins play and the Pats play, which means the usual crew will be going out to watch Football and then going out afterwards. Then Sunday will bring another afternoon of hanging out, watching football and catching up on the weekends funny stories. ANDDDDDDDDd to make matters a little worse, another group of friends of mine are all down at Nags Head at my friend Amy's beach house for the weekend. So yeah, I like going away, but man I would love to stay here and not ALWAYS miss out on the fun.

So here's to the end of BOTH of my part time jobs after this weekend!!



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