In C-Sue's own words...

My friends call me "C-Sue"....

Monday, February 13, 2006

I don't even know my own name...

Wow, another monday morning, and so soon! On Friday when I woke up feeling like death, with a throat the size of a football, I didn't have high hopes for my weekend. BUT, after a trip to the MD, a Z-pak, about 25 advil, and a lot of sleep on Friday night, I was 100% better on Saturday, and ready to rock and roll.

My new friend Meredith and I had been planning a night out where we "wouldn't even know our own names" :) Well....mission accomplished my friend. I swear, the nights where you don't really plan anything and just see what happens are hands down, the most fun. (and I have been in desperate need of some fun!!)

Around 8pm I showed up at her house, case of beer in hand, ready to go. We downed a few rather quickly, telling tales of our pasts, while waiting on the pizza man to bring us some deliciousness. My friend Carrie showed up a little bit later, Vodka in hand, and joined right in. At about 10pm we went up to The Point to meet Jobie, where her very nice bartender friends put about 4 shots in front of us in about 20 min. Niceeeee.....

The jukebox was playing some good tunes, a random boy showed up, he got in our car with us, and we were off to White Collar Crime. We decided to keep the party going by taking about 5 Jager bombs in a row. ALWAYS a good idea right? A couple hours later, many trips to MENS restroom, trying to steal mirrors out of the girls bathroom, and Carrie dancing up on everyone in the bar, we decided to head back to The Point for late night. Not much to report after that due to a mysterious black out affect :) But all in all a good night.

I am grounded this week from spending money, and drinking. But that's ok, I have some serious running to do in preparation for my 10K. hahaha....Is that REALLY going to happen? Who knows....but I do know that I'm having fun getting back in shape. :)


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